Pingy-Dingy Wednesday – Love Your Babies!

Not a lot of words today, just feeling so much love for my sons and sending love love love to all the queer femme parents who carry that mama-baby love deep and forever. No one can fix anyone else, but this song is about love.

Melissa and Bailey, you get one pingy-dingy! Thank you for the sweet visuals and the gorgeous rendition. Love on ya!!!

I’m a typewriter whompin’, card catalogue lovin’ white girl from back in the day, and I yearn for a time before the covers of trade paperbacks were all squidgy, so you can imagine that I don’t actually understand what a pingback is. I do know that it can in some way be part of spreading the love, and since that’s what I’m all about at The Total Femme… every Wednesday, I pay homage to the laughter, love, and inspiration to be had elsewhere online.

At the Total Femme, my intention is to post three times a week: Meditations for Queer Femmes on Monday, Pingy-Dingy Wednesday on Wednesday and Femme Friday on Friday. Rather than play catch-up in a stressful fashion on those weeks when life prevents posting, I have decided to just move gaily forward: if I miss a Monday, the next post will be on Wednesday, and so on. Thank you, little bottle of antibiotics for inspiring me in this! (“…if it’s almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and continue your regular dosing schedule. Don’t take a double dose to make up for a missed one.”) As I undergo treatment for breast cancer, however, I’m just going to post whenever I can manage.


Published in: on April 22, 2020 at 12:04 PM  Leave a Comment  
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