Abe Rybeck Hugged Me!

I’ve been a Theater Offensive fan from way back, give them money when I can, and keep an eye on their doings, which is why I worked on getting True Colors to come to my town’s middle school as part of publicizing the new GSA as well as adding to the anti-bullying effort going on.

Theater Offensive is a queer theater organization, and True Colors is a youth troupe that builds a show from the ground up and takes it on the road, usually to high schools, but they’re going to come to our middle school in the spring. This evening, a group of us went to see a preview of their show, which is called “# Over the Rainbow”.  The whole show was interesting, funny, sad and moving, my favorites being one called “It’s Not Catching” in which the phrase, “No homo!” is used and abused, and another about an American Muslim lesbian. Because True Colors is coming to my son’s school, I finally had an excuse to introduce myself to Abe Rybeck, the founding artistic director of Theater Offensive, who I’ve seen around for the past 20 years but our paths never really crossed. I admit it, I gushed. I told him I love him, and he very graciously told me he loves me too. It was definitely a crowning moment in my career as a queer.

I just feel so grateful to him for making queer theater available and accessible. I feel connected to him on some kind of queer grid or web, where we’re all doing what we can where we can with what we have. It’s a very satisfying feeling, a loving feeling. So, thank you Abe, for all you do for us. I’m out here in the burbs doing what I can as well. Together we’re changing the world. MMMmmmmmmwhah!!!!

Published in: on December 16, 2011 at 10:47 PM  Comments (2)  
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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hi! WOW! Somehow I didn’t see this until now, more than two years after you posted it. I’m so deeply moved and honored by what you wrote. I too feel connected by that queer grid and I know exactly that feeling of love and satisfaction you’re talking about. YOU MAKE THAT HAPPEN FOR ME! THANK YOU! Love, Abe

  2. Oh, I’m so glad you did see it and that you stopped by! And I can’t even tell you how much I needed your sweet words today! Thank you. Here we are 2 years later and True Colors has come to the middle school 3 times already! So beautiful. Love, ttf

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